All Spa Chemicals

Nobody likes scum in the spa. The build-up of slimy algae and bacteria is directly linked to not using the appropriate chemicals. Not using chemicals to maintain the spa's pH balance would be like jumping into a warm pool of yesterday's bath water - and nobody wants that.

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The key to increasing your spa's lifespan is maintaining and cleaning it regularly. Maintenance goes hand in hand with using Aqua Pulse Spa chemicals. The right combination of our products will always create the perfect spa experience for you and your guests! 

At Aqua Pulse Spas, we carry everything you need to perfect your spa time. From inground spas to pH balancers for the water, we are your premier online location for all things spa related. 

What Chemicals Are Typically Used in Spas?

With spas, you have to ensure that there is no buildup of bacteria with constant use. An excellent way to combat unsafe water in spas is by using the right combination of chemicals. You will typically need a product to: 

Raise the hardness of the water.

If your water is too soft (low in calcium), this can be corrosive to the materials used in your spa. A great way to raise hardness effectively would be to use the Calcium Hardness Raiser.  

Maintain pH levels  

Natural contaminants such as body fluids, grass, insects and dust can lower the pH level of the water in your spa. Maintain the correct water levels and measure them regularly with the help of our pH reducers and test strips

Clean the filters

With use, there will be a build-up of grease and dirt in your filters. Therefore, you will need to regularly use a filter cleaner and degreaser for spas in small doses to maintain your filters.

How Do Spa Chemicals Work to Maintain Water Quality?

Maintaining optimum water quality and chemistry in a spa is essential for keeping it safe, clean, and enjoyable. Although you may think you don’t need to use spa chemicals, you absolutely do. 

The key to maintaining balanced water at all times is using the appropriate combination of spa chemicals to ensure your water is bacteria-free and safe for the whole family. 

The combination of a hardness raiser, pH reducer, and filter cleaner work together to: 

  • Ensure your equipment is in good working order by removing debris and contaminants. 
  • Eliminate bacteria in the standing water.
  • Regulate pH balance so the water doesn’t cause skin irritation and diseases.

How Often Should Spa Chemicals Be Added to Maintain Water Quality?

Depending on the spa's size and frequency of use, spa chemicals need to be replenished regularly to maintain balance - this can mean weekly or several times a week.

The following will all have an impact on how often spa chemical maintenance is needed:

  • Number and type of bathers
  • Nearby sources of pollutants like fertilizer or lawn grass   
  • Temperature
  • pH levels 

As with any pool or hot tub, test strips are recommended to assess chlorine, bromine, alkalinity and pH levels every day that it is used. Regular testing will ensure that parameters stay within acceptable levels so your spa remains hygienic and inviting!

What Is the Ideal Chemical Balance for a Spa?

Maintaining the right chemical balance in a spa is of paramount importance if you want to enjoy your experience and feel properly refreshed afterwards. 

The ideal pH level should be maintained between 7.2 and 7.8, while the alkalinity should also stay within a range of 80 ppm and 120 ppm. 

Chlorine levels should not exceed 2-4 ppm, and there must be sufficient sanitising agents to ensure any bacteria or pathogens are killed off before use. 

The calcium hardness of the water must also be checked since it should stay between 200–400 ppm for optimal performance of the water filtration system, whilst water temperature levels should stay at a comfortable 30 degrees. All these elements should be actively monitored to make sure your spa experience is as luxurious and enjoyable as possible. 

How Do I Test the Chemical Levels in My Spa?

When testing the chemical levels in your spa, the first step is to use test strips that take an instant reading of your water’s pH and alkalinity. As mentioned earlier, a good range for bathers would be between 7.2-7.6 on the pH scale, with a total alkalinity of 80–140 parts per million.

But what if the pH falls out of these ranges? In that case, you can adjust it using our range of spa chemicals for increasing or decreasing acidity or alkalinity and then retest until you reach a balanced level. In addition to this, you should also consider adding a sanitising agent like chlorine or bromine to keep your spa clean and free of germs and bacteria. We recommend testing at least once a week to ensure everything runs smoothly and safely.

How Do I Store and Handle Spa Chemicals Safely?

Using and storing spa chemicals should be done with caution to ensure the safety of those around them. It is crucial to consider that improper storage and handling can cause risks to property and humans or animals.

When measuring or mixing chemical solutions for spas, it is essential to do so in a well-ventilated area and use equipment dedicated solely to these purposes - never combine unrelated products, as this could lead to hazardous reactions. Utilising strict safety protocols while handling spa chemicals can keep you safe and maintain your product's efficacy.

When it comes to maintaining your spa, one of the most important things to remember is that keeping your spa chemicals in a safe place away from children is essential. Children, after all, are notorious for their ability to find items they are not meant to play with. To prevent any disaster, always store your pool and spa cleaners and sanitisers out of reach—ideally using Aqua Pulse Spa products with tight-fitting lids and childproof containers—and keep them in an area that's far away from curious little hands.

Additionally, because these products have an expiration date due to their active ingredients breaking down over time, regularly check the labels and discard any products that have gone past their usable lifespan per label instructions. By following these basic safety precautions, you can stay well-informed and keep your family safe!

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Spa Chemicals?

To maintain a safe and healthy environment for your hot tub, here are a few important things to remember:

  • Spa chemicals should not be mixed directly, which can create unsafe chemical reactions and cause damage.
  • Do not over-apply any sanitation or cleaning chemicals, as this can create unhealthy water chemistry levels and harm users of the spa.
  • It's essential to let the room-temperature fresh water sit a while after adding new spa chemicals. Immediately heating the water could lead to higher temperatures, making the sanitising process less effective.

How Do I Troubleshoot Problems With Spa Water Chemistry?

Once you’ve tested your water and established that there’s an imbalance with the water, check out the Aqua Pulse Spa chemical product collection to find the ideal combination of items you need to bring back stability in your spa’s water chemistry. 

For more information on our products, feel free to contact us directly. 

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